Monday, January 01, 2007

Hunting Masacer

This year in Ohio, hunters took 111,672 deer during the state’s weeklong deer-gun season. If you combine the adult seasons, youth seasons, muzzleloader season and archery season the total was 166,534.

However, there is a dark side so these statistics. It's the number of unknown deer that were taken but never reported.

This year we saw it again. Idiots had shot deer, pulled the skin back, taken some of the hind quarter meat, and then left them. They didn't take the rest of it to claim it with the state. They didn't take the rest of it to process it and use it for it's meat, hide, etc.

We saw this on the side of the road:

Infact, on the left, you can see the road.

In the picture below, these are most of the legs, which they threw further off the side of the road into the woods - just visible if you peered into the front of the forest from the roadside.

It looked as though they used some plastic bags and paper to take their haul away. They left some of the internals w/ the extra bags and what-not to litter it up.

What a shame. The pictures are very depressing to look at. It is idiots such as this that giving hunting a bad name.