Wednesday, January 03, 2007

First peak at a PS3 Linux and MythTV

This past weekend our local Linux user group had its monthly meeting and someone brought their newest toy, a PS3. What was interesting is he'd put a Linux Distro on their, and then MythTV on it (the front end, he has the myth-master in his basement loaded with a few capture boards).

I think he said it took about an hour to install. It was very slick. Apparently you can assign cores to the alternative OS. And that OS runs under a hardware hypervisor so it can't access the PS3 (so you can't fiddle and mess with it). But you don't need a hardware hack or new bios or anything (ahem, XBox) to run Linux on it.

What would be cool is if Linux could stay running on a few of the cores while you played games on the PS3 on it's normal OS with the rest of the cores.